Magical Mystery Scoops
Crystal Scoop- comes with one crystal scoop, a set of candles and a piece of jewelry + 2 extra surprises!
Divination Scoop- along with a mini crystal scoop you get a 5 card tarot drawing, a 3 card Oracle draw, a pair of hand made Divination Dice, ruins, candles, and jewelry + 3 bonus gifts!
Witchy Scoop- comes with a mini crystal scoop, a 3 card tarot drawing, 2 Bottle charms, jewelry, candles and 4 witchy extras!
Crystal Scoop- comes with one crystal scoop, a set of candles and a piece of jewelry + 2 extra surprises!
Divination Scoop- along with a mini crystal scoop you get a 5 card tarot drawing, a 3 card Oracle draw, a pair of hand made Divination Dice, ruins, candles, and jewelry + 3 bonus gifts!
Witchy Scoop- comes with a mini crystal scoop, a 3 card tarot drawing, 2 Bottle charms, jewelry, candles and 4 witchy extras!
Crystal Scoop- comes with one crystal scoop, a set of candles and a piece of jewelry + 2 extra surprises!
Divination Scoop- along with a mini crystal scoop you get a 5 card tarot drawing, a 3 card Oracle draw, a pair of hand made Divination Dice, ruins, candles, and jewelry + 3 bonus gifts!
Witchy Scoop- comes with a mini crystal scoop, a 3 card tarot drawing, 2 Bottle charms, jewelry, candles and 4 witchy extras!